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Why It’s Okay for Change to Be Scary


I have to say, I really don’t do my best writing at night. Here I am, at approximately 7:53 pm in Baltimore, and I am multi-tasking between computer work, dinner, vino, and adjusting to my new surroundings. Going back to food; I feel like all I have done is eat out and I ready for […]

Positive Vibes: Putting It Out There In the Universe


Monday. I just felt like we saw each other! Here’s to another week of sitting in front of the computer. Grr. Ugh. Let’s keep hoping I still fit into my jeans, LOL. Okay, enough of that. Today, I want to talk about emitting positive vibes into the universe. I know, this seems so “woo woo” […]

Not Taking Yourself Too Seriously


Okay, peeps, how is it November 12th already? And Thursday. And we are still talking about Election 2020. And now Covid-19 is going through the roof. I have bigger issues. Today I am sharing about not taking yourself too seriously. Yes, something that I have a REALLY hard time doing but I am “leaning” into […]

Everything Happens For a Reason


I wish I could say I was feeling a little more motivated than I am right now. Well, I am writing this post, which is productive, and I am working on some NEW stuff for the re-brand/re-launch of my blog, so, okay, there is some motivation! Ha! Lately, I have been sharing a LOT of […]

Let’s Talk Money

Monday Motivation Money

Greetings from, most likely, the dentist chair if you are reading this right now. Yes, I have a few glorious hours of getting some cosmetic work done – there should be a “not a guarantee” when you spend years with braces & months with Invisalign. No, this is not me being vain. It is really more […]

Positivity Please


Hi there Monday! How are you feeling today? Rested? Heart full? Ready to get after it this week? I am on my 2nd cup of coffee, in a big ass mug, and I am ready to dominate like a girl boss this week. It’s crazy how fast the weekend goes and I am, slowly, drifting […]

What Is Your Love Language?


What is your love language? Is that too bold to ask right out of the gates? Hey, hey, hey!! How are you feeling on this first Monday of July? Still coming out of your 4th of July hangover? Regardless if it involved yummy cocktails – like the one I will be showcasing tomorrow – I […]