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Family Over the Pandemic


Wow, January 4th; the Holiday’s have come to a close, schedules are “back to normal,” the real world is once again here, and, how is JANUARY?!?! What’s even crazier to think is that we would still be in the height of this devastating pandemic almost a year later. Everything we do involves that much more effort. Everything we do feels as though we need an explanation. Everything we do does not feel normal.

I have talked about this in other blog posts, and I am sure I ruffle some feathers, but, remember, these are my opinions. 

Each and every one of us has been affected by this pandemic in some way. No one is better than the other, and no one is immune to this either. While I 100% comply with being socially responsible during these times, I am a firm believe that you have to live your life…and do it the best you can right now. 

Yes, I am healthy, and, yes, that makes a huge difference (I am so thankful), but I also don’t want to live in fear. This pandemic has robbed us of so much already; why should I let any more days go by that I am not living my (Covid-19) BEST LIFE?

I am not scared about being around other people, and, no, this does not mean I am going into super crowded areas either.

I have no problem going out to eat, even if it means indoor dining, or running errands at the mall.

I have gotten a handful of facials, massages, manicures/pedicures since all of this, and not only does it make me feel better but these small businesses need it now more than ever!

You can be safe, smart, and socially responsible at the same time.

Why should I continue to let this pandemic win? 

Over the Holiday’s, I wasn’t going to let Covid be the excuse that I could not be with my family. I am lucky that I do get to see them on the regular basis, so they have been in my “bubble.” Cannot wait for that phrase to no longer be trending. Time is so incredibly precious, and the fact that I could toast with my family on Christmas meant more to me than any gift I could ever receive.

Wednesday, I get on an airplane to Denver to be with my sister for a little over 48 hours. Travel is, another, topic of conversation that people get very weird about right now. My sister is having some outpatient surgery tomorrow. While this is the extent to which I will share (she is going to be just fine), it still fills me with so much emotion. She is my baby sister…who is now a married adult. It is still hard for me to believe!

About a month ago, both my sister & brother-in-law asked if I would come out for a couple days to stay with them. Really, it is to be there during the day to make sure my sister chills and takes it easy, help out with cooking, take care of my “niece,” Gully (a super adorable Frenchie), etc. Okay, maybe getting some fabulous take out too!

Family over the pandemic – no question.

I am not fearful of getting on an airplane, or being in a different city, right now. I miss my travel life! It’s about being there for my sister & brother-in-law. I know this means I need to come back and lay low for a few-ish days, but I would do it 10x over again! And maybe I will get in a little “me” time while away, or just get cozy in my hotel room with wine and a movie (maybe my laptop).

This is life; it’s precious; and, as I mentioned before, you can be safe, smart, socially responsible, and live your best life…all at the same time. 
