Why Hand Painted Denim Is Fabulous


Yes, you read right – hand painted denim – and I cannot tout this local, Baltimore artist’s work enough! More on that in a moment! First, why hello there Wednesday, how nice to see you again! I have one request though – take the heat and humidity and go back where you came from please! Sincerely, Janine

Now that I got that out of the way  let’s, really quick, talk about this fabulous “Mireya” dress by Current Air from Anthropologie. Not only do I love the fact that it is in this beautiful pink color but the the midi dress, silhouette style, with ruffled trim and puffed sleeves are just GORGEOUS!


Am I right, or am I right?

Now, though, on to the real SHOWSTOPPER! Don’t get me wrong, I adore this dress BUT this next piece is just a MUST to have in your closet!

Hand Painted Denim…Need I Say More?



While life should be all about looking forward, looking behind does not have to be bad at all. This is, especially, true when you are wearing a beautiful, one of a kind, hand painted denim jacket by Sallie Otenasek of Woodscape Art found at Panache 

Side Note: Want to know a “Smalltimore” fact? It just so happens Sallie is a good family friend of my brother-in-law’s. Go figure!

If I am correct, I believe the words “LOVE” are what make up the back of this jackets mural. Ah, I cannot get enough, and it just seems so appropriate for me too! I have a handful of denim jackets and, this one, is at the top of my list! An absolute MUST in your collection! Rumor has it, lots of new pieces will be in store SOON! Take a peek at the Panache website to see how you can grab yours today!

Here’s to those mid-week vibes! Have a great one, and stay stylish!
