Watermelon Feta Salad


I may have made one the easiest, and healthiest, meals ever. I mean, it was done QUICK, but I decided to stretch it out a bit due to my schedule tonight. My meal was inspired by the fact that today is apparently “National Watermelon Day.” I am the first to admit I am not a huge fruit fan anymore – although, I have been craving bananas – but a Watermelon Feta Salad just seemed delightful today.


It has seemed like one of those days where there have not been enough hours in the day to get everything completed. It’s after 8:00 pm on the East Coast, and although I have been productive, I have a fair amount of work that I could still do tonight. With tonight being my weekly “live” on the “Shop Lit Live” app (P.S. join me every Tuesday at 7:00 pm EST for all the fun), I always want something either EASY, or something I have prepped/cooking while I am “on.” Getting started well after 7:30 pm never seems to fair well for me at all. Even eating at this hour is not “great,” especially when it involves being in front of the computer, but I am just going with it.

In addition to the EASY Watermelon Feta Salad I will be showing momentarily, I threw together a stuffed sweet potato that was perfect. I browned some ground turkey from Butcher Box I had on hand, then added mushrooms and spinach, then seasoned with Siete Foods “Chorizo Seasoning.” I spooned half the mixture in my sweet potato, and adorned with the salad. The perfect combination of spicy and sweet…maybe just like me! Ha! 

Hope you enjoy this, dare I say again, EASY recipe that is simply eyeballing how much you want. While a homemade dressing is amazing, I went the easy button route and used Primal Kitchen’s Balsamic Vinaigrette and it was fabulous. Basically, homemade peeps.

Here’s to eating clean, and making it easy, on a Tuesday!
