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What Happens When Life Happens


Happy Thursday Love! Hope your week has looked a tad bit different than last week’s. I know mine has included a LOT more sitting in front of the computer – launching 2 online wellness programs for 2 Health Nuts requires a lot of Facebook navigating – and just taking it one day at a time. Since I am back in the trenches with health & wellness as of late – I never really stepped away from it but I took a bit of a backseat to ramp up personal brands – it got me thinking of this very question. What Happens When Life Happens?

As a behavioral change coach, this is, always, an underlying question. There is no one size fits all plan; when we try to fit a square peg into a circular hole, we end up right back where we started.

This is because we have not learned anything. There is no maintenance plan to back it up.

My goal is to educate clients on listening to their body, focus on “what works” and “what does not work” so, when life happens, they do not feel like they are starting back at square one. They can navigate accordingly, and make the best choices possible!

Now I am going to get vain…what happens when a pandemic hits and life comes to a screeching halt? I mean, manicures/pedicures, waxing’s, haircut and highlight, facials, gyms closed, etc., and not to mention small business shopping, a social life, dining at restaurants, catching up/doing work at coffee shops, and, well, you get my point.

Oh, and on top of all this, having your business go non-existent too!

This is a far cry from coaching individuals on the ups and downs of life, such as not being consistent at the gym, working through an injury, or even just getting their mindset in check on what it means to live a healthy lifestyle.

For me, this has been a time of reflection. All those items I mentioned above had become a way of life for me; my personal maintenance. They are luxury’s but will NEVER trump overall health – both mine and my family & friend’s. Yes, I can cringe at not having polished nails, or think about the pain that will be inflicted when I can see my favorite waxologist (is that even a word?), or wishing I could grab an Americano from Starbucks post an ass kicking workout.

ALL of these will be available (prayers) once the dust settles. Right now, it is about staying healthy, safe, and getting through these unprecedented times.

Some of the positives though?

  • I have been doing a LOT more cooking; something that I love and had fallen by the wayside.
  • I have been able to promote some of my favorite small businesses via social media, and have gained some traction from local establishments with whom I have been wanting to work with for some time.
  • I have been trying out some new fitness apps, and doing some different programming with my weekly workout schedule.
  • I have been practicing my own hair and makeup regime when I am not in athleisure! 🙂
  • Spending a LOT of quality time with my family! <3

Your turn…any positives that have come up for you during this time? 
