Howdy Friday! I don’t really know where “howdy” came from but I am going with it. Geez it’s crazy how fast this week went, and the only thing that I did was sit my ass in front of my computer and work. Okay, I did a little more than that BUT, needless to say, it has been a quick 5 days! Since it is Friday, I do want to chat a little fashion, and I want to talk about hats. Lately, there is something about a good hat that just gives a little more life to your ensemble, or hide the messy hair that you care not to show off. Regardless, everyone needs a few good hats in their closet…and, yes Mom, you do look good in a hat!
I decided to leave some of my fun baseball hats out of the mix because I wasn’t feeling that vibe. If you want the details on one I just showcased, you can take a peek HERE to see the awesomeness. Needless to say, it makes me feel like such a badass.
Let’s start with the good old beret. I freaking LOVE THIS LOOK. It is a mix of Paris, meets New York City, meets Los Angeles. It’s fun, sexy, flirty, and, geez, I could go on and on. Sometimes, these looks just come together, and this is one of those that just hit the mark, right on!
Talk about classy and chic, and I definitely did NOT have people stop & look. I mean, doesn’t everyone dress like this on a Friday? Although the top & pants are from a few years ago, and I am focusing on hats today, I have found a similar pair of pants from a designer that I just adore! P.S. I tried so hard to find a top that matches this beauty but I am a day late and a dollar short! I just feel like you need to have this very look in your life. It will bring you happiness!

Next up, jeans, a fabulous silk blouse, and a fedora with a leopard trim. So damn simple, yet so damn fabulous at the same time! What a fun look for daytime or evening!
The “Fedora” has been the rage for some time now, and I love how, with every season, there are more and more styles, colors, and prints from which you can choose! While I have 2 others in my hat box, I have my eye on a few more that are calling my name. Isn’t this post about how hat life is the best life? You can never have too many!
This next look may be one of my favorites, although they are all at the top of my list. There is something about it that is just so designerish…so I think!
I paired a really fabulous fur coat with a fun & funky orange beanie and it just made me smile. Oh, and it may have kept me ridiculously warm, too, as the temps started to drop while getting these pictures!
Btw, who does not love a great beanie?!?!
Finally, I get more compliments and “where did you purchase?” when I wear this gorgeous cable knit peak hat by Michael by Michael Kors.
It was an on the whim purchase, and I have been obsessed ever since. It makes me want to be at a ski chalet in Mont Tremblant, or in Switzerland amongst the Alps. Even though this ivory color is no longer available, the additional colors it comes in are pretty fantastic!
Wishing you & your family a wonderful and GORGEOUS weekend! If you are in the Baltimore area, there is a BIG GAME that is happening tomorrow night and, well, I think I need to be showcasing a hat that is bleeding RAVENS baby!