Not Taking Yourself Too Seriously


Okay, peeps, how is it November 12th already? And Thursday. And we are still talking about Election 2020. And now Covid-19 is going through the roof. I have bigger issues. Today I am sharing about not taking yourself too seriously. Yes, something that I have a REALLY hard time doing but I am “leaning” into it, and going with it. Actually, for all those people who “joked” I was not funny. Well, joke may be on you now; I crack myself up! See for yourself…

Not Taking Yourself Too Seriously

And this very video, and possibly picture, may be proof of WHY I don’t get asked to do more commercials. Ha! All joking aside, one thing that people may not know about me is that I do like to have a little fun. And, I may like to bring a little levity to the scene as well. To be honest, I think it helps to take care of the nerves.

Let me rewind; this video is a throwback to last Wednesday where my “bother” asked me to be part of a commercial he was filming. Btw, he is not my “brother,” but this is what he has been deemed since we have known each other for a while now!

I have done MANY the public speaking engagements, videos, and then some, and I STILL get ridiculously nervous before I hear “action” or “go” or whatever word gets me to start. Oh, that just sounds weird. I was even nervous doing this 30 second – maybe less – stint where I was simply answering the phone. Btw, I was told I should change my name to an alias such as Roxy or Emily. Hmm. Yeah. Really? Why cannot I just go by Janine? Really, Roxy? No offense to anyone named Roxy but, just saying.

Anyway, I feel like I am deviating from the topic at hand. My words of wisdom; be yourself, try not to be so stiff, and lean into your inner child. Yes, JANINE, you can still be professional, all while having fun and letting loose.

And, Janine, you will not be single forever. Yes. The universe has plans for me. I can feel it, pray for it, and trust the process!
