Baltimore, And My Favorite Christmas Traditions!


I think a title that sounds a lot more like a Hallmark Christmas movie would be “Christmas in Baltimore.” I am not feeling that sappy today peeps!

Hope you are having a great Monday so far…and how is it the 14th?!?! I am, almost, done with my wrapping, and there are 1 or 2 gifts that still need to be purchased, but, other than that, I feel I am on the home stretch.

With Christmas 11 days away – insert Kevin McAllister’s aftershave burn – today’s post gives insights on some of my Christmas traditions and preferences. I have had a lot of people ask, recently, what they entail, and what better way to showcase then with a fun little video answering those “pressing questions.” Btw, I LOVE IT! This is everything from real or artificial tree, to white or colored lights, to what I bake, favorite side dish, my favorite reindeer, etc. Yes, I get right down to the specifics!

Baltimore has been my home for the last 34 years. Yikes, I cannot say that much longer! No, I am not moving to California. It’s me getting OLD. Ha! With the exception of my sister and brother-in-law (and their adorable Frenchie) moving to Denver last Summer, and my Dad’s family living in Toronto, most of my family is here, in the “410.”

I am often asked what my allegiance is to the Maryland. I get a lot of “it does not seem like you” or “aren’t you bored?” If I am being completely honest, no, there is nothing keeping me here, except I have a wonderful family and a solid business that, yes, can be done from “virtually” anywhere.

Does it scare me to make the move? Not at all! I, basically,  moved out to California for a total of 12+ weeks in 2017 and thrived. There is something, though, that keeps me grounded on the East Coast. What that is, I am still not quite sure. Covid aside, there is not much you can do right now anyway (UGH) but, since the end of the Summer, my heart and gut have told me that I need to keep my “stilettos on the ground” in Baltimore. Doesn’t that sound better than “boots on the ground”…at least, for me?!?!

AND, that is as far as I will share. I recently discussed in one of my Instagram Stories that, while my life is on social media, there are boundaries with my personal life. Maybe you can put the pieces together on what I mean by needing to stick around.

During this time of year, having hope, and embracing the Christmas spirit, is one of the best ways to stay positive. The Holiday’s can be really tough but, if we stay hopeful, and exude positive energy into the world, we will attract what we want.

This might even include a Louis Vuitton bag. LOL!

Hope you enjoy the video, and I would love to hear your feedback/comments on some of your favorite Christmas traditions too! Oh, and make sure to check out all of my “A-List” items I have shared over the last few weeks. Don’t you worry, there is something for everyone!

Have a fantastic week!
