Getting My Kicks Today


From being in heels, then cute sneakers, back into heels, I have a little FOMO when it comes to my workouts as of late. Since I have been back in Baltimore from vacation, life has been crazy, and I am honoring what my body is asking for – sleep, more down time, and trying to manage my STRESS. My usual 5-6 days of working out per week have gone down to 2-3 if I am lucky and even feeling up to it. I will get back into my groove BUT, right now, I am just doing my thing, all while getting my kicks from a pair of athletic shoes that have been my fitness game changer.

When I am not all dressed up in heels, booties, or stylish flats, I am, usually, in my chic athletic wear, and in my favorite athletic shoe of all time – the Saucony “Freedom Iso 2.”

And THIS COLOR I am showcasing gets a LOT of attention and traction – get it? – too!

At one time, I will have 3-4 pairs of this style, in different colors, on hand. They have amazing support, cushioning – especially for my messed up ankles– and are great for short runs (under 5-6 miles) & a cross trainer too!

Talk about a FANTASTIC win!

Remember, you should be changing your shoes every 500 miles. If you are, consistently, are wearing them, in addition to workouts, this is close to every 6-8 months, unless, of course, you are distance training! This is another reason why I keep a handful in my closet. I try NOT to wear the same pair every day and this helps keep their lifespan/longevity too.

Alright, here’s to hoping I will be lacing up these bad boys SOONER, rather than later, and getting my kicks in them ASAP. Happy Wednesday!
