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Going With the Flow


Hello my loves! I am going to start right out of the gates by saying I am on my 2nd glass of chardonnay and, well, I am not sure how it is already 9:30 pm. Couple that with not sleeping – yes, I was up at 1:00 am looking for new bedroom furniture on my phone – and I think this weather has me in an absolute funk. It’s been rainy, dreary, and just downright miserable the last 48 hours. And, I think the other thing that has in a bit of a “slump” is the fact that I am sitting at my dining room table and NOT sitting at one of my favorite places. Instead, I am going with the flow, at least, I am trying.

You may have already clued in to the fact that I have not been giving my usual “t-minus so many days until I am back in California” update. So, yes, even writing this has me in a bit of a funk, and with a chip on my shoulder BUT, at the end of the day, I knew it was the right thing to do.

Okay, now I am pouring myself a 3rd (maybe a 1/2) glass of wine at this point. Ugh, what a day! 

It was right before Labor Day weekend when I made the decision to cancel this week’s trip. I was coming off a whirlwind 5 weeks of travel and festivities and, well, as much as I LOVE my time in Cali, the thought of living out of a suitcase, and spending money that had been spent 2x over last month, just seemed a little too much.

I am exhausted…and the credit cards are exhausted too. 

Generally speaking, I plan my trips out a few months in advance. Now that I have the “luxury” of staying at one of the best hotels in Santa Monica, I am not worried about finding a place via Airbnb on a whim. Talk about a stressor – gosh that sounds so bratty! 

I knew I needed the week to feel “normal,” not be worried about the financial piece of traveling, and just take a moment to breath. So, I went with the flow, did not even think twice, and canceled my trip…even if my idea of going with the flow still has me in a bit of a funk.

Both myself, and the company I co-own, 2 Health Nuts, have invested so much money in giving me the opportunity to travel every month, continue my education, and be in a place that makes me happy. And, yes, while I am super bummed that I will have to wait another month until I see that gorgeous sunset, or walk along Ocean Avenue, grab coffee/drinks at some of my favorite places, and even shop along 3rd Street Promenade & Montana Avenue, I am trusting the process. I am exercising my flexibility to change on the fly and not be caught up in the “this was my plan; my plan to go to California every month to work on me and the business.”

Life happens, and it is how you navigate accordingly. 

I am going with the flow.

California will be there next month, and then the following, and then the following. Until then, I will continue to trust my gut and my instincts; there is a reason why the stars are aligning this way. And, as a good friend and coach simply put, “strap on your seatbelt Janine and go along for the ride.”

Oh, and that is what I am going to do! 

Cheers to a wonderful week!
