Rally, Support & Shop Small


Today’s vibes are pretty simple – you gotta’ keep your head up, and continue to support local, small businesses! Yes, we need to be aware, stay informed, and practice social distancing BUT we have to remember our community too, and those who own establishments that thrive on daily revenue to keep their doors open, pay their employees, etc. This is about rallying together, doing what we can to continue to shop small, and, most importantly, giving them all of the support & love they need right now!

Personally, my goal over the next 2 weeks is to continue supporting businesses the best I can, and inform all of you what they are doing to keep their customers healthy & safe. While many have pulled their businesses online for the time being – I absolutely understand this decision & will support with online sales- for those who are keeping their doors open please know we have your back!


One of my favorite places to shop – Sassanova

Stay tuned & connected with me on Facebook & Instagram (both handles are @janineserioofficial) as I come to you LIVE from downtown Baltimore via my stories. You will be able to catch the video on my PERSONAL Facebook Page too! Work for me continues and, as an influencer in the community, I want to show my followers that we don’t have to live in panic/fear. Although a modified lifestyle right now is key, let’s try to limit the media hysteria and just focus on doing what we can to stay safe & healthy, all while still supporting our community!

Here’s to Monday; one that is a little different but one that will make us stronger as a society! I just know it! Oh, and remember to SHOP SMALL loves! We still need to stay stylish, even if we are are all staying at home right now!

Cheers, prayers, and positive vibes!
