Skin Health

Skin Health

Cool. It’s Wednesday. Hello “Hump Day.” Are you getting after it this week? Today I want to deviate a bit from what I sporting in my closet, or making in the kitchen, or at the bar – did you see those “Lemon Lovers’s” from yesterday? Today, I am talking about “Skin Health” and how I am a firm believer that time, patience, and the right products, will give you the glowing skin you have always dreamed about!

As my blog continues to evolve – slow and steady – the things that I love change as well. With the “rebranding” and updating of my site in the coming weeks, I will be sharing with you more beauty specific posts, rather than grouping them within another category. Why? Because I it deserves the attention and the decor/party planning side of me has taken a bit of a backseat due to being in between housing and, ugh, Covid-19. Don’t worry, that will come back, but I want it to feel more robust, and I want to feel passionate about it. Right now, it is just feeling “I will get back to this at some point.”

Moving on!

Skin health…I am a bit of a freak when it comes to it. First, I will admit, I am fortunate that my business partner is an esthetician by trade. I do get the luxury of facials, peels, waxings, etc. when I want. Yes, I am lucky and, yes, I know this is not realistic BUT I wanted to preface this to start. Second, I went through my awkward, acneic skin years too, although it came in waves…just like my awkward weight fluctuation years too. Another story.

My skin is ridiculously sensitive! I mean, CRAZY. I suffered with eczema as a child (and still a little now), scar super easy, deal with the changing seasonal weather resulting in skin issues, etc. When it comes to my face and body, finding the right beauty products has been a challenge BUT I have, finally, found some “formulas” that WORK. It has taken time – yes, TIME – and lots of patience. In my effort to see results on the immediate – come on, we are all guilty – I think it makes matters even worse!

Side Note: I put together a blog post & video back in January that talked about all of the face & body product love! I am sharing it, here, again, will be adding a few NEW products I have tried since that point!

Let’s start with my face! Now that I am getting photos done a LOT, and heavy makeup is a handful of days per week, I am even more conscious on what goes onto my skin. I am, totally, obsessed with the Paul Scerri line; a Swiss based company whose products may be one of the ONLY ones that have worked for me, and never let me down!

Skin Health

My skin health regime is as followed…

– Moisturizing Cleanser

– pH Balancing Lotion (i.e. Toner)

– Photodrop Integral Serum – Just ran out and already I am feeling the effects! Game changer! 

– Moisturizing Night Cream – Both day and night

Every 2-3 days, I will use the Paul Scerri “Exfoliating Cream” or Dermalogica’s “Hydro Masque Exfoliant.” I still love the Dermalogica “Daily Exfoliant,” but my skin has been dry/congested, recently, and I need something with a bit more oomph. Additionally, for those heavy makeup days, I will use the Dermalogica “Precleanse” prior to my cleanser OR the Karisma Skincare “Deep Cleansing Facial Oil.”

After some continued use of the Dermalogica face cleansers, I did need to back off using since they were a little too drying of my skin. Would I try them again? Absolutely BUT, for right now, I am in a good skin place! Don’t fix something that is not broken, right?

As for my body, I am still a HUGE fan of AveneGlytone, and Kiehl’s products (oh, and when I said I did not know how long Kiehl’s has been around – since 1851- maybe I should have just looked at the bottle). I have added in some of the Dermalogica body wash and hydrating cream, another glycolic wash called “Berodin,” and a “Sheen Body Oil” by Karisma Skincare to the mix.

FYI: For a FULL description of the Karisma Skincare products, take a peek at the blog post I wrote a few months ago HERE!

So far, the Dermalogica has kept my skin feeling fresh and moisturized, which is a HUGE WIN! Berodin is a glygolic acid wash that I use with exfoliating gloves, post waxing. Yes, the gloves are magical, LOL.  I do tend to use it 1-2x per week as well, in conjunction with the Glytone “Exfoliating Body Wash.” It has not been too harsh, and that feeling of sloughing off the dead skin just makes me happy. I know, wtf but the SKIN HEALTH peeps!

Finally, I have 2 NEW, well, 1 really new, body scrubs that I just adore, and will be making there way into some Christmas stockings this year!


#1: FarmHouse Fresh Scrub! OMG! It has been almost a decade since I used their scrubs. When I purchased this Summer I was like “why have I NOT kept up with it?” Their line of products are not only amazing – gentle and results-driven on the skin – but they smell delicious too. Yes, that is the BEST way I can describe them; delicious! You can chose from sea salt, sugar, or liquor infused scrubs in a handful of scents! I, recently, went with a sea salt scrub since, as I mentioned, my skin has been feeling dry and I am all about the sloughing off. This whipped honey smell is AMAZING! I know, there is something about that statement that just seems wrong. Ha! The sugar scrubs with shea butter will be my next purchase! The lotions and the oils are amazing and, like I said, you pick the scent that is Fit4You. Trust me, you will not want to get out of the shower!

Frank & Body Scrub

#2 Frank & Body Coconut Coffee Scrub! Okay, body game changer! It may make for a bit of a mess in the shower but it is so worth it! They do have an express scrub for more of a “quickie” with less mess. My skin has never felt better! I am a true believer in this product, love the fun packaging, and love what the company stands for in their testing and ingredients! I was introduced via my monthly Boxy Charm. With their extensive line of products, I love that it is geared towards stretch marks, scarring, anti-aging, and cellulite. Yes, I am vain but, guess what Janine, we all have it so DEAL.

Cheers to clean, healthy, and vibrant skin health! Remember, it takes time (trial and error), patience (no, it will not happen over night), and remembering to love & embrace the skin you have been blessed with!
