Spring Skincare Must Haves


Morning, and Happy Easter weekend! Oh, and maybe I should mention it is Matt and I’s one year Anniversary tomorrow. So incredibly crazy (and surreal) how fast time goes, and it has been ONE YEAR. However you are celebrating this weekend, I hope it is truly AMAZING! With the seasons turning, and the itch for a little Spring cleaning, I wanted to share some of my Spring skincare must haves! Earlier in the week, I shared some of my go-to’s via the LTK app and it gave me some great inspo for a blog post.

I have mentioned in previous posts that I am very much a neat/organizational freak. Yes, I have always been that way. While I have a fair amount of stuff – I actually shared this with Matt earlier today – it’s all accounted for, in its place, and not a whole lot of fluff. One of the things I am, consistently, trying are my skincare products. Another thing I have mentioned before – I am very much into my skincare routine. I am religious about getting facials and, no, I have not gotten anything cosmetic done. Am I against it? No, not at all. Would I like to NOT start that routine up? Absolutely!

My skin is very sensitive, so the wrong combination of products can leave me dry, dehydrated, patchy, and just plain ugh! It can be quite the trial and error. For my spring skincare routine, I have a rotation of products that are not only game changers for my skin BUT they are perfect for pretty much every skin type due to makeup. I always say, if it works for me, it can work for most but i still encourage you to chat with a professional or your esthetician.

Spring Skincare Must Haves

Morning Routine:

#1: Cleanse with either Paul Scerri’s Moisturizing Cleansing Face Wash OR Dermalogica’s UltraCalming Cleanser; if I am not being lazy (ha!) I will use the PMD Clean Smart Facial Brush to scrub

#2: Tone with Paul Scerri’s pH Balancing Lotion

#3: Glo Phyto-Active Conditioning Oil – if you are like me, this will become your new best friend. TRUST ME!

#4: Dermalogica’s Barrier Repair (Optional)

#5: Glo Restorative Cream or Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Cream

#6: Depending on my lashes, I will add Kiehl’s Avocado Eye Cream

Every 2-3 days, I will add an exfoliant between my cleanser and toner. Depending on my time, this will either be in the morning or evening!

Paul Scerri’s Exfoliating Cream

Dermalogica’s Daily Microfoliant

Evening Routine:

I will use Dermalogica’s Pre-Cleanse if my skin feels it has extra build-up, specifically from wearing makeup.

#1-3: I use the same cleanser (2 options) and oil in the evening, with the option of toning.

#4: At night, I love using Paul Scerri’s Moisturizing Night Cream!