Needing to Pivot During The Pandemic


Although this picture is showing nothing but “Spring Vibes,” it is less than “Spring-like” here in Baltimore. Btw, I just love Generation Love and their line of clothing just makes me happy! Happy February 1st! We are, currently, in “Day 2” of one of the biggest snow storms we have seen in years. What started yesterday as snow, stopped overnight to produce freezing rain (ick), and now another round of the flakes should be appearing later this afternoon. Ugh. I can deal with one or two days; anything more is just downright not fun! Something else that is not fun to think about? How I should be in St.Maarten right now! Yes, while I could be sitting underneath a palm tree, sipping Prosecco before noon, basking in the 80 degree weather, I sit here, at my computer, staring out a snowy (okay, it is picturesque), semi-ice covered landscape. Needing to pivot during the pandemic – a practice in patience and doing what feels right.

Two years ago my family and I purchased 3 years in St. Maarten at the lovely Belair Beach Hotel. It is the only hotel on the island where every room has a view of the ocean. It is just magical! No frills; just a true paradise that feels like home, and the guests become like family. Since the 1st, 2 weeks in February are our weeks – the 3rd one is out in April that we move to another time – you get to know the regulars who are there at the same time. In fact, I just spoke to one of the women who I got to know, alongside her hubby, by phone the other day. We were both talking about needing to pivot during the pandemic and, while it sucks, it’s what felt right!

It was not even 2 weeks ago when my parents and I decided to postpone our trip until the Fall. Actually, it works out; my parents are celebrating their 40th Wedding Anniversary in October, so we planned accordingly and will go for 2 weeks at the end of October, beginning of November then, hopefully, be back on schedule next February.

While Covid (“the virus”) was not the reason we canceled, it was Covid (“the nothing is open, all of the hoops you have to jump through to travel there and travel home”) seemed like another thing added to the, already, LONG list of “to-do’s” before we were to leave. Pandemic aside, being away for 2 weeks is long – LOVELY – but you need to have your ducks in a row, for sure. Luckily, I can work but it’s different…and different for more parents too. Beyond all of our work schedules being heightened right now, there were other things that were going to be happening while away that really did need our attention here.

When each of us asked one another our thoughts, we all came to the same conclusion – “it would be awesome to keep our trip as planned BUT we would be, totally, cool to postpone until a later date this year.”

The latter is what felt right.

And we all felt very content with our decision.

Honestly, it felt like a weight was lifted off of us right now. Needing to pivot during the pandemic; it can be a bummer but a blessing at the same time. When we decided to cancel, I shared with my Mom that, beyond the reasons WHY we decided to do this, there is another reason why we are meant to stay home.

Please, do not read that statement than anything more than positive. I feel in my heart, and gut, that I am supposed to keep “boots on the ground” in Baltimore right now. Call me crazy, or a little “woo woo” but that has been coming up for me as of late.

Do I have an idea? I do, and I put it out there in the universe every single day. It’s hard, and another practice in my patience, but it’s in the power of trusting the process. Knowing was it meant to be, will be, and not losing sight of your feelings.

Needing to pivot during the pandemic – a practice in patience and KNOWING what feels right. 

Happy Monday! Stay safe, stay warm, get outside and have FUN if you are getting snow, and have a fantastic week!
