Why It’s Okay for Change to Be Scary


I have to say, I really don’t do my best writing at night. Here I am, at approximately 7:53 pm in Baltimore, and I am multi-tasking between computer work, dinner, vino, and adjusting to my new surroundings. Going back to food; I feel like all I have done is eat out and I ready for some normalcy. Well, that may have to wait until I get back from Denver where I am headed on Friday! Back to today’s topic – what’s your take on change? Do you like it? Is it uncomfortable? For me, it comes with a LOT of mixed emotions but, at the end of the day, I. know that it is okay for change to be scary.

Am I a creature of habit? Umm, yes and no. Honestly, it just depends. The last time I made a BIG MOVE was 7 years ago this month. It’s crazy to think how fast time flies, and even crazier to think of everything you have done and been through too. Yes, it’s okay for change to be scary, and it’a exciting to see what the next chapter will hold for you too!

At this point in my life, I thought so many things would be different. As much as I can think about the “where I should be’s at this point,” I remind myself of the “look at where I am right now.” For everything I have been through, and for as rough/tough as times have gotten, at the end of the day, I know that this is the path/life I was destined to travel. I, also, know that I would not be the person that I am without having gone through all of these experiences too.

It’s okay for change to be scary. Just remember that change means growth, and your growth only means that you are going to level up to your next chapter.

Here’s to nothing less than a fabulous week!
