My Take On The Mint Julep

It’s Monday, but is it Friday or still the weekend? You know how you wake from a deep sleep and feel disoriented and even “wait, where I am, what day is it, omgosh did I oversleep?” Yes, this was me upon waking and I feel like I have been in a fog ever since. And, […]
French Inspired Roasted Chicken

Greetings Friday, and March 19th to be exact. Lucky number 19; I have a feeling it is going to be a REALLY good day. Also, I thought it was about damn time to showcase this AMAZING chicken dinner that I prepared, recently, that was inspired by my trip to France (almost 2 years ago) and […]
Greek Pasta Salad

Nothing like the start of a new week to feel refreshed, recharged, and reenergized. Yes, we all need this kind of positivity on a Monday. And, we also need a really yummy recipe to inspire us as well. Go figure, today the recipe I am sharing involves pasta; actually, it’s a Greek Pasta Salad. I […]
Cinnamon Oat Muffins With Nut Topping

Finally, the weekend and the SUN is shining. It may be cold AF in Baltimore but I will take the sun over snow, ice, and a dreary landscape. Hope you are doing something that involves staying cozy & warm. One of the things that days like this call for are yummy comfort foods and, for […]
Boozy Hot Chocolate

While “Boozy Hot Chocolate” is nothing new, after a recent trip to a local winery in the beginning of January, I was very intrigued to recreate this drink that some family members tried out. Although I did not taste, and, as we know, sweets are not my thing, I could only imagine the awesomeness. Rich, […]
Shrimp & Saffron Risotto

There is something about risotto this time of year that is just comforting, nourishing, and can be dressed up, down, and with so many different accoutrements. This is true when you get a little fancy with seafood, such as shrimp I chose for this dish. That or what was on hand, ha! This dish was […]
Halloween Treat Board

This may be as close to “trick or treating” this year as I will get! That is, staying in, having cocktails, and enjoying the treats I am sharing today! Well, we should say for the adults at least. In all seriousness, I do hope the kiddies are able to do some form of trick or […]
Who Doesn’t Love to Say Spatchcock?

No, really, who doesn’t love to say “spatchcock…especially on a Friday night?!?! 🙂 And who doesn’t love working on their computer on a Friday night too! Yes, welcome to the “Janine Serio” world. Making this a quick and dirty blog post today. Well, you won’t get too dirty in the kitchen, especially with this already […]
Lemon Lover Martini

Yes, today’s drink is called “Lemon Lover,” and, yes, I LOVE it. Ha! With Halloween right around the corner, I think it is only appropriate to showcase some adult “candy.” And by candy, I mean beverages. And how “spooky” does this look?!?! I kid! Not spooky, just fabulous! Let me just say there is an art […]
Chicken Shish Kebabs

Okay, really, is it spelled “kebab” or “kabob?” What is politically correct here? Is this the same as you saying “po-tay-to” and I say “po-tah-do.” Oh, this is getting just plain silly now. What is not silly are chicken shish kebabs and such an easy recipe to make this time of year, especially if thrown […]