Coveted Home Decor: Serena & Lily

This truly is the most wonderful time of the year! I have always loved the Holiday season, and what I love even more now that I am an adult – oh gosh, and only one more year in this latest decade – is that its a great time of year for in-home design events. Let’s […]
No Baby Games. No Gifts. No B.S.

How to host a baby shower everyone wants to attend! And, yes, you read correct – No Baby Games. No Gifts. No B.S. Well, I guess there is some “B.S.” since it is a “Baby Shower.” If this is your first time here – Welcome! Always love seeing new faces! Actually, this is a first […]
Taking Time Off

Oh love, it has been a hot second! I have been feeling quite guilty that it has taken me this long to get my act together and get in check with all things “Janine Serio.” While I have not taken “actual” time off, I have taken some time off from blogging to get some inspiration […]
Setting Boundaries

Good Morning Gorgeous! Happy 1st Friday in March and, WOW, has it already March? Lately, life has felt like an unbelievable roller coaster; more on this to come BUT, for now, I am simply taking things one day at a time at trying to do my best every step of the way (although I was […]
Being Surrounded By A Life Built For You

And Wednesday, here we are again! Errmygoosh thank goodness! How are you? Living your best life? Looking at every day as a gift, and a new day to be that much more awesome? It has been a whirlwind over the last week and a half for me (okay, the last 2 months), and, finally, I […]
Relationships 101

Good Morning Beautiful, and happy Monday morning! My current view includes overlooking a beautiful Fall sunrise among the crisp landscape of orange, yellow, and red sipping a yummy cup of coffee. No better time than the present to get up, get caffeinated, and get moving with the day. In the midst of it having been […]
Backyard Barbecue Favorites

Happy Friday, and Memorial Day weekend! Omgosh, how is it here already? Trust me, I am not complaining but it is craziness how fast time flies! The weather is not supposed to be great the 1st part of the weekend so, hopefully, it will clear enough to be able to enjoy some time outside and […]
Why It’s Okay for Change to Be Scary

I have to say, I really don’t do my best writing at night. Here I am, at approximately 7:53 pm in Baltimore, and I am multi-tasking between computer work, dinner, vino, and adjusting to my new surroundings. Going back to food; I feel like all I have done is eat out and I ready for […]
Stop Taking Everything So Seriously

Happy, Happy Monday, and April 19th! Is it me, or does it seem that time is just flying by!?!? It’s crazy that it is almost the end of the month and I cannot WAIT for some warmer weather, a little less rain, and looking forward to, finally, be settled into my new place. For someone […]
My Next Chapter

Good Monday Afternoon, and another dreary one from Baltimore. Ugh. Grr. I am beginning to think we are in nothing but a rainy, gloomy holding pattern. I was talking with a friend today over coffee and we were both saying that this is just plain blah. Beyond the weather, I did get my vaccine yesterday […]